Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Change Your Clinic Email Address & Phone Number

When you first open your Jane account, the email address you provide will be the one that automatically gets set as the address where you will receive Jane notifications and/or replies and responses from all clients using online booking.

Note: this is referring to the CLINIC-WIDE email address that appears throughout the online booking site and on all email notifications and reminders to clients.

If you are a practitioner looking to change your email address for personal email notifications, click here for more information on editing your “Contact Info” within your Staff Profile.

To change the clinic email address at any point, head to Settings > Locations - then click Edit.

Once you click Edit, scroll down to the “Contact Info” section.

Here, you’ll see a section called “Email”. Type the email address where you prefer to receive your notifications.

Once you add the new email address, don’t forget to click Save.

⭐️Jane Tip: If you’d like to change your phone number that’s displayed online for your patients to contact the clinic, the phone number found under Contact Info is where you’ll want to make that change!

Happy emailing!

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