Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

What's new in Jane?

  • Jane's Changelog

    Stay up-to-date on Jane's newest features, improvements, and updates!
  • Jane's Monthly Newsletter

    Keep up-to-date with everything that's new and noteworthy in Jane.
  • ICYMI: A video rundown of Jane's newest features

    In case you missed them, we’ve put together a rundown of this month’s newest features added to Jane. You can skip ahead within the video to see each new and improved part in motion, or you’re welcome to utilize the guides linked below.

  • Testing Tables

    In a few clicks, clients can book a visit with their favourite practice (that’s you! 😉).

  • Jane’s New Pricing Plans

    Oh hi! You must be here looking for information on the new pricing plans launching on April 30th.

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